Blogging in Hugo
August 30, 2016
hugo | github | blogging |
Hugo is a “Fast & Modern Website Engine” written in the Go programming language. It’s what I’ve chosen to write this blog in because, well, it:
- is new(ish)
- has an active community
- is relatively simple
- can deploy easily to GitHub Pages (free hosting yo!)
- is fast
- has some beautiful, modern, responsive (and might I add, free) themes
- is written in Go, which I kinda wanted to learn (and started at the Googs)
Below is a quick start guide to get blogging using Hugo and GitHub User Pages. I assume you’ve downloaded and installed Hugo and have a GitHub account.
I also assume you’ve created the base blog directory, and added a theme. There are great instructions in the Hugo Quickstart Guide.
So now you have Hugo locally and you’re ready to actually get something on the web!
Step 1: Create the GitHub Respositories
The way I decided to do it was to create two separate GitHub respositories, one to keep my raw Hugo source and then the GitHub Pages one to deploy the compiled HTML to.
In my case, that meant setting up:
- - my GitHub User Page respository and where we’ll story the generated static files for the blog
- for the Hugo source
Create both of those. For the first, you’ll want to follow the instructions here.
Step 2: Set up Git and Local Directories
Now you’ll want to set up local directories that will tie to each of these
repositories. So create a directory named blog
or something of that sort
and from within that directory run:
git clone
git clone
This will create and initialize two local repositories. Easy peasy.
Step 3: Set up Hugo
If you’ve followed the Hugo QuickStart guide, you have the Hugo directory
structure set up elsewhere and you’ve downloaded a theme, etc. Copy those
files into your local source respository (e.g. getup-hugo/
It should work just the same there as it was elsewhere.
Step 4: Create a Blog Post
From within the local blog directory (getup8-hugo
), create a new post by
running this on the command line:
hugo new post/
Step 5: Write the Post
Well, this is the easy part. Open that file (getup8-hugo/content/post/
and write the dang post using markdown! Maybe for now just put “Test” in the
content section.
Step 6: Preview the Post Locally
To preview the draft, run the following:
hugo server -t hugo-cactus-theme --buildDrafts
And then visit http://localhost:1313/
Step 7: Undraft the Post
All looks good? Undraft the post:
hugo undraft content/post/
Alternatively, at the top of the markdown file in the TOML section, just
change draft = true
to draft = false
Step 8: Commit Your Changes and Push
# Add all files to staging
git add --all
# Check the status, make sure files have been added
git status
# Commit locally
git commit -m "Test post"
# Push to GitHub repository
git push -u origin master
Step 9: Deploy to GitHub Pages
Almost there but you’re not done yet. This is the most important part. We now need to generate our static files and push them to our GitHub Pages repository.
From within the blog source directory again, execute the following.
# Generate the static files with your chosen theme and most
# importantly, direct them to your *other* directory
hugo -t hugo-cactus-theme -d ../
# Now move to that directory
cd ../
# And commit all those files
git add --all
git commit -m "Test post"
git push -u origin master
You can actually just wrap up all those commands into a shell script to make it much easier to deploy in the future. Something like this:
# Change this to the relative path of your other directory
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
echo -e "\033[0;32mDeploying updates to GitHub...\033[0m"
# Build project and direct the output to the GitHub Pages repository
hugo -d ${PAGES_PATH}
# Now move to that directory
# Set commit message to first arg or default.
MSG="Rebuilding site `date`"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
then MSG="$1"
# Add, commit and push changes.
git add --all
git commit -m "${MSG}"
git push -u origin master
# Come Back
cd ${DIR}
So now after commiting changes, you can deploy to the blog in one step:
./ "Initial blog post"
With a little luck, when you browse to your blog’s URL, you’ll see your beautiful test post.
Hope this was helpful, let me know if you have any trouble.